Streamline your cloud infrastructure.
Cloud Orchestrator manages your public and private clouds in one consolidated self service portal.
Download Cloud Orchestrator
There are multiple ways to use Cloud Orchestrator.
PHP Composer
The recommended installation method is PHP Composer. To install 8.x-2.0 version of Cloud Orchestrator project, use the following command:
composer create-project docomoinnovations/cloud_orchestrator cloud_orchestrator
AWS Marketplace
Launch Cloud Orchestrator 8.x-2.0 from AWS Marketplace.
AWS CloudFormation
Launch an EC2 instance of Cloud Orchestrator using AWS CloudFormation Template.
Existing Drupal installation
Download the module directly to an existing Drupal installation.
Check out some of Cloud Orchestrator's UI
Cloud Orchestrator is open sourced and built on Drupal. Browse the documentation to learn about installation and usage.
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